Whistle Blowing

    Please provide information as follows: (* Required fields)

    *Person submitting this complain

    We can better understand and handle the concerns if we have a means to contact with you and clarify information in your report. Without revealing your name or identify, you can submit the contact information of your choice here.

    *Do you want to show your Identity for this report?

    If you want Netracon Technologies to know your identity, please complete
    the following:


    Phone Number

    Email Address

    *Please identify the person(s) engaged in this behavior:

    1 # First Name

    Last Name

    Title Name

    2 # First Name

    Last Name

    Title Name

    3 # First Name

    Last Name

    Title Name

    How long this problem has been going on

    How did you become aware of this?

    If you have a document or file that supports your report, here can be

    *Please provide all details regarding the violation, including the locations of witnesses and any other information that could be valuable in the evaluation and ultimate resolution of this situation.

    Do you need feedback from our side regarding your complain

    If yes, in case the finding does not Contrary to the confidentiality of this organization or any other related organization. We will let you know outcome of the finding in due course of time.