EPC Projects
NETRACON provide Turnkey Solutions / Projects on EPC basis in multidiscipline Substations and Transmission Lines. We have successfully executed and are executing of Transmission Lines Projects on EPC basis of rating ranging from 132kV to 500kV. Similarly, we have executed and executing Sub-Station Projects on EPC basis rating ranging from 132kV to 500kV. In EPC, the activities are ranging from primary design, secondary design, schematics, detailed engineering, civil work, procurement, errection, installation, testing and commissioning.

Transmission Line Projects
Netracon has constructed more than 2000km long Transmission Lines ranging from 110kV to 500kV in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Philippines, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Cameroon, and Georgia. NETRACON has rich experience in designing and constructing of variety of foundations, according to soil conditions, like Conventional foundations, Pile foundations, Submerged foundations, Grillage foundations. According to geographic conditions, altitude of land, the transmission line tower erection are done according to the situations by using Gin pole, Crane, helicopter and in some cases manual (member by member). While doing stringing we deploy the tensioner/puller in the most professional way.
Our crews have performed outstandingly well in all types of terrains especially in mountainous areas of Pakistan, the snow-covered hilly terrains of Afghanistan, the chilly but populous city of Kabul, marshy lands of the Philippines, and the thick forestry stretches of Ethiopia, Cameroon, and Ghana.

Sub Station Projects
Netracon has constructed more than 35 Sub-Stations in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan among most of them as EPC. These Sub-Stations are ranging from 110kV, 132kV, 220kV till 500kV. We have the experience of Construction of AIS and GIS Sub-Stations. Our quality and efficiency of work is unmatched. We constructed fast track Projects in time.
Our capable team has experience of construction of highly complex GIS Project e.g. In Tajikistan, we have completed 500kV GIS along with the upgradation of Control House installation.
Netracon was entrusted highly sophisticated high tech work by NTDC. The work was included Upgradation of protection system of 11 No. 500kV and 220kV Sub-Station including installation of SEL-421 distance Relays, SEL-751 Thermal Overload Relays, SEL-787 Transformer Differential, REF Earth fault Protection etc. We also have experience of construction of civil works and Installation of 500kV Shunt Reactor.
Netracon have the honor of successfully competing the design, construction of civil works and installation of 150 MVA Transformers, Thyristor Valve, Thyristor Controlled Reactors (TCR), Thyristor Switched Capacitors (TSC), Hormonic Filters, Cooling Tower, pumping system and control & protection system. Netracon is privileged to have all necessary resources for installation and all relevant equipment required for testing and commissioning.