132kV Grid Station, Golen Gol Hydro Power Project, Chitral

GGHPP Lot 4.1 - Procurement, Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 113 km, 132 kV Double circuit Transmission Line and Chitral Grid Station.

Procurement, Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 132 kV Chitral Grid Station.

Golen Gol is a very remote valley located in District Chitral of northern Pakistan. A powerhouse was planned to harvest the hydroelectric potential of river Chitral and to connect the powerhouse with National Grid a 132 kV Transmission Line was to be constructed through a treacherous terrain comprising of steep snow-covered mountains prone to avalanches and extremely low temperatures.

Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
Fichtner, Stucky, PESS, BAK & DMC (JV)
Date of Complete:
30 Dec, 2018
Project Completion Certificate