500kV Transmission Line, ADB-105, Multan Ghatti, Faisalabad

Contract: ADB-105-2017 (Lot-I) - Procurement of Plant - Design, Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning of 500 kV Double Circuit Q/B Transmission Line Of Existing 500 kV Multan Gatti Single Circuit Transmission Line At 500 kV Faisalabad

Contract: ADB-105-2017 (Lot-I)

Procurement of Plant – Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 500 kV Double Circuit Q/B Transmission Line For Looping In & Out Of Existing 500 kV Multan Gatti Single Circuit Transmission Line At 500 kV Faisalabad West Substation (Approx.40 Km – Drake Conductor) (Lot-I) Under ADB Loan No. 3419-Pak: MFF Second Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program – Tranche-1.

About Project:

Faisalabad is the third most populated city of Pakistan and is considered an industrial hub. Keeping in view the growing demand of electric power, a new 500 kV Substation is under construction at Pansra, Faisalabad. To connect the substation with the National Grid, the services of Netracon were employed, Netracon completed this EPC Project in a record time of 1.3 years in spite of delays due to COVID-19 Pandemic. The Project involved Type Testing of several line Materials. The terrain of the project was waterlogged also several areas were highly cultivated. Netracon ensured timely payment of all crop compensation adhering to LARP and complied with the ESMP made as per ESIA.

 Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
 National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited (NTDCL)
Date of Complete
May 13, 2020
 Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Project Completion Certificate