132kV Transmission Line, GGHPP Package- I, Golen Gol, Chitral

132kV Transmission Line, GGHPP Package- I, Golen Gol, Chitral

GGHPP Lot 4.1

Golen Gol Hydropower Project Package I Procurement / Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 117.47 km, 132 kV Double Circuit Transmission Lines

  • Interconnection Between SwitchYard and Power House (1.57 km)
  • Section -1 Golen Gol to Juti Lusht (31 km) D/C
  • Darosh In & Out (0.9 km)
  • Section -2 Jutilusht to Mirkhani (42 km) D/C
  • Section -3 Mirkhani to Chukiatan (42 km) D/C
  • 132 kV Chitral Grid Station

Most of the Transmission Line was built with 220 kV Towers. Special steel Towers as per standard EN 10025-2:2004 Class J2/K2 with impact strength to -20oC and Special Insulators operable at -20 deg C were used for Lowari top section of the transmission line.

 Golen Gol to Chitral to Chukiatan, KPK, Pakistan Altitude (+3100 to 1100 M)
 Water And Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
 Fichtner, Stucky, PESS, BAK & DMC (JV)
Date of Complete:
 Jan 25, 2018 (TL Section I, and GS, Powerhouse Interconnection), Sept 18, 2018 (TL Section II)
 OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID).
Project Completion Certificate