132 GIS Grid Station at EME Sector Phase XII DHA, Lahore

132 GIS Grid Station at EME Sector Phase XII DHA, Lahore

The Project Includes Design, Construction, Supply, Erection/Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 132/11.5 kV GIS Grid Station Majorly Consisting of Two (02) Line Bays, Two (02) Transformer Bays, One (01) 20/26MVA Power Transformer and Two (02) 132kV Metering Bays along with Residential flats for LESCO Staff.

Client: Defence Housing Authority (DHA)

Consultant: PowerCom Consultants 

Starting Date: 09th July 2018  

Completion Date: 30th Nov 2020  

Date of Energization: 15th July, 2021